This project situated in central Sundbyberg contains both the conversion of a 19th century factory into housing and a new 18 floor housing tower. The scheme was the winning proposal in an invited competition where we chose to keep the entire structure, not only the part that was listed, and we also proposed a small public square between the factory and the tower. The factory managed to house many different activities over time due to its robustness and relatively narrow building depth. Learning from the factory, the tower has a general building form and facade to be able to house unknown future functions.
This project situated in central Sundbyberg contains both the conversion of a 19th century factory into housing and a new 18 floor housing tower. The scheme was the winning proposal in an invited competition where we chose to keep the entire structure, not only the part that was listed, and we also proposed a small public square between the factory and the tower. The factory managed to house many different activities over time due to its robustness and relatively narrow building depth. Learning from the factory, the tower has a general building form and facade to be able to house unknown future functions.